Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Life After School

Before school was innocence in a joyful world only a child knows. We can only wish we never grow up, perhaps our parents too wished we stayed little and cute but ageing is an inevitable part of life.
I'm not saying school ain't fun, in fact it is so much fun! Try to remember when you were in nursery, kindergarten, prep, elementary, and high school. I bet you've had a lot of fun! But it is not easy to finish school, it takes time, money, patience, and a lot of hardships to finish a degree, at least in a decent school. For an average student, one has to work harder to survive college.
If you were to ask me about my school experience, I would say I wished I could stay at school forever or maybe for a little bit more. Yes I can go to school as often as I wanted but that's not the only thing to worry about these days - after school. At first I thought everything would become easier once I graduate; get some job, find a lifetime partner, earn some cash, buy things, live happy until my dying days. But now that I'm at it (time), I realized how ideal my thinking was back at school. Ha! Anyways I guess I'm still at the boundary and it's a rough ride. Life after school is all about missing school.

P.S. This is such a non-sense post, forgive me I'm too sleepy for this one. :))

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